Applewood: The Charles Stewart Mott Estate

Applewood, which is part of the Ruth Mott Foundation, was built in 1916 as the home and gentleman's farm for the Charles Stewart Mott family. Applewood is open to the public from May through October, with regular tour hours and a variety of programs. The home and grounds encompass about 34 acres that include a historic orchard and 29 varieties of heritage apples and 18 acres that are extensively landscaped.

The original gatehouse, barn and chicken coop complete the estate, which serves as a living laboratory, a neutral and inspiring location for gatherings, a center for learning through its public on-site programs, and a base from which its skilled horticulturists and archivists support grantees and community initiatives. Check website for hours of operation, programs, and special events.


Clio Area Historical Depot Museum


Shiawassee County Courthouse