Historical Markers Justin Schnettler Historical Markers Justin Schnettler

Voiture 1116 40 et 8

During World War I the capacity marking stenciled on French box cars (voitures) was “40 et 8”--forty men (hommes) and eight horses (chevaux). “Forty and eight” became a symbol of comradeship among the American veterans of that era. In 1920 a Philadelphia group of American Legionnaires organized the first Société Des 40 Hommes Et 8 Chevaux. Soon there were chapters across the nation. In 1933 this chapter, “Voiture 1116-40-et-8,” was chartered in Genesee County.

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Historical Markers Justin Schnettler Historical Markers Justin Schnettler

First United Methodist Church

First United Methodist Church, one of the oldest congregations in Genesee County, began with services held in Lewis Buckingham’s home in 1836. The Reverend Luther D. Whitney, a Flint circuit rider, and nine other people organized the congregation in 1838. Their first church, built in 1850, was moved to Genesee Street in 1865-66.

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