The Flint Sit-Down

On February 1, 1937, the wave of sit-down strikes against General Motors broadened as Chevrolet Plant No. 4 was seized. The United Auto Workers’ strategy was a diversionary strike at the nearby Plant No. 9 to draw company personnel to that point while the true target, Plant No. 4, was secured. As a battle between unionists and company guards took place inside Plant No. 9, other strikers captured the key Plant No. 4. Pickets outside were aided by the Women’s Emergency Brigade, which fended off police until strikers inside secured the vital plant. Since all Chevrolet engines were produced in Plant No. 4, elimination of this supply would close Chevrolet operations nationwide. On February 11, 1937, the strike ended as General Motors recognized the UAW as bargaining agent for its members. This represents one of the most significant events in labor history. In 2005, the marker was moved to Sitdowners Memorial Park off from Executive Plaza Drive, Penbrook Lane and W. Atherton Road - behind UAW Regional Office. Original location was the 300 block of Chevrolet Avenue.


site number: S497-C

era: Two World Wars and the Depression (1915-1945)

year listed: 1977

year erected: 1980


The General Motors Sit-Down Strike


The Flint Sit-Down