St. Clair County History
Enter the doors of the St. Clair Historical Museum and travel back more than 250 years to the community’s beginning as a British Fort, moving to its days as a Michigan lumbering and brick manufacturing mecca, through its transition to salt purification, and shipbuilding.
Opened on February 11, 2001, the Thomas Edison Depot Museum was the second satellite facility to open as part of the Port Huron Museum. It is housed inside the historic Fort Gratiot train depot built in 1858 by the Grand Trunk Railway, and is the actual depot that Thomas Edison worked out of as a news reporter between 1859 and 1863. Trains connecting here carried people and freight between Port Huron and Detroit, Point Edward/Sarnia (Ontario), and other destinations, linking Port Huron to the rest of the world.
The Port Huron Museum of Arts and History was founded in 1967, and through a community-wide volunteer effort, opened its doors in 1968. Housed in an historic Carnegie Library (built in 1904), the Museum provides exhibitions and programs relating to local history, fine arts (with an emphasis on regional art), decorative arts, natural history, and Great Lakes marine lore. The Museum is the only year-round, multi-disciplinary cultural institution in Michigan’s Thumb Region (a five-county area). The Museum began as a completely volunteer-operated organization, and now employs a staff of seven full-time, three part-time, and seasonal part-time staff during the summer months. In addition to serving our own community, the Museum is recognized throughout the state of Michigan and nationally as a center for research in folk arts, archeology, and Great Lakes marine lore.
Enter into the past when ice was delivered to your door by horse and wagon! Displayed, are over 3,000 items used in the cutting, harvesting, storing, selling and use of natural ice from one of the largest industries in the United States around 1900. View a rare film of ice harvesting in the early 1920s. See ice boxes, tools and an actual size ice wagon. See antique collections: mild industry, license plates, vehicles, dolls and doll buggies and much more.
Lightships are floating lighthouses that are anchored in areas where it was too deep, expensive, or impractical to construct a lighthouse. Lightships displayed a light at the top of a mast and, in areas of fog, also sounded a fog signal and radio beacon. The fog signals used over the years consisted of bells, whistles, trumpets, sirens, and horns. Early fog horns were powered by steam and later by air compressors. The HURON Lightship sounded her fog horn signal in 3 second blasts every 30 seconds and was known locally as “Old B.O.” because of the familiar sound her horn made.
Fort Gratiot was built in 1814 during the War of 1812 to guard the juncture of the St. Clair River and Lake Huron. Named after the engineer who supervised construction, Charles Gratiot, Fort Gratiot would be occupied on and off by the United States Army until 1879. With a surge of vessel traffic on Lake Huron in the early 1800s, the need for a Light Station to guide vessels through the water way became very important.
How can classic be defined? Sleek, stylish, perfection, unique, timeless, and valuable are words of articulate, lasting design. If you assemble these words in the form of a tangible object you have defined the unique and beautiful Wills Ste. Claire automobile. Manufactured by C. H. Wills and Company, in Marysville, Michigan, from 1921-1926, the Wills St. Claire quickly became one of the shining stars of the auto world in the 1920s. This timeless classic has graced the auto world with its stylish and perfected form that still pleases classic auto enthusiasts the world over. We trust your visit to our site will be informative and enlightening as you take an inside look at a man who designed and manufactured one of the finest engineered automobiles in the world.
Our Museum started out as the Newport Academy, founded by Emily Ward, built in 1847 by her brother Eber Brock Ward. The original location was on the northwest corner of South Main Street and Washington Street, in Newport (Newport was later changed to Marine City).
Captain David Lester’s most notable contribution to the nautical history of the great lakes was the launching of the VH Ketchum which his shipyard built. On April 16th, 1874, when it was launched at Marine City, it was the largest ship on the Great Lakes at that time. Today the VH Ketchum is still the Flag Ship of the Interlake Steamship Company, Richmond, Ohio, and an oil painting of the vessel hangs in their boardroom.
The Harsens Island / St. Clair Flats Historical Society’s mission is to collect, protect, preserve, and share with the public the unique historical artifacts and information that represents the diverse cultural composition of the people that occupied the area of the St. Clair River Delta that is Harsens Island and the St. Clair Flats.
The St. Clair County Farm Museum was proposed in 1964 by the administrator of the St. Clair County Medical Center. He saw how technology was rapidly changing life in rural America and realized that there was a need to savor a slice of the past so that the area’s youth could explore and learn how their forefathers lived. By seeing a slice of the past, an appreciation of today’s lifestyle can be realized. The founding Museum members opened the Museum on July 16, 1966.
This building stands on land from a grant made to Andrew Westbrook before Michigan became a State. The exact age of the school is not known, however, this brick school was in use when East China Township was chartered in 1859. Records found in China Township indicate there was a school on this site in 1823. This building was in continuous use as a school until 1954 when the elementary school on Meisner Road, now used as an administrative office, was built and one room schoolhouses in the Township were closed. Restoration of this building was funded entirely by East China Township with the intention of preserving its oldest public building as a living museum.
The Maritime Museum has several displays exploring maritime history in the area.
The mission of Capac Historical Society is to provide a meeting place for those people interested in local history, publicly promote knowledge of the history of the Capac Community, promote appreciation of the history of the Capac Community, procure articles deemed worthy of preservation, and provide safe storage and display of these articles.
Constructed in 1902 by Pittsburgh-based steel magnate and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie for $45,000, what is now the Port Huron Museum’s Main Museum was originally the Port Huron Public Library. After the City Library merged with the St. Clair County Library, the building was slated for demolition. Through the dedicated efforts of concerned volunteers, the Museum of Arts & History opened its doors on May 3, 1968.
Historical Markers
For more than a century, Algonac has played a leading role in shipbuilding, from sailing cargo ships to large pleasure craft, racing boats, and World War II landing craft.
In 1890, the township board held its first meeting in this Stick Style building. The interior retains the original bench seating around the perimeter of the hall, which is still used for township meetings.
One of the deadliest industrial accidents in Michigan's history, a shotgun-like blast claimed the lives of twenty-two men working on a water intake tunnel beneath the bed of Lake Huron.
This structure, dedicated in 1942, is the third church built on the site. Detroit architect Walter Maul designed the church, and the Detroit Stained Glass Works produced the windows.
In 1859, the railroad’s first year of operation, Tom persuaded the company to let him sell newspapers and confections on the daily trips. He became so successful that he soon placed two newsboys on other Grand Trunk runs to Detroit.
This is likely the oldest farm complex on Harsens Island. In 1849 Aura Stewart purchased 53 acres of the farm and began building this house soon after.
Early church histories state that the cemetery’s earliest burials were the remains of some of the community’s earliest settlers, who had been buried along Anchor Bay but had to be relocated to the cemetery’s southeast corner due to rising water levels.
In 1864-65, under the leadership of Father Francis VanderBom, the present brick church was completed at a cost of thirteen thousand dollars. Bricks for the church were hand-formed and hauled to the site by church women.
The original wood-frame structure was erected here in 1869-70 at a cost of five thousand dollars. In 1904 it was enlarged and extensively remodeled to create this Romanesque-inspired structure with its handsome stained glass windows.
In 1925 the local Rotary Club decided that a luxurious establishment was needed to accommodate a large number of tourists and serve as a civic and social center.
The Gothic Revival board-and-batten building stood on the corner of Green and Michigan Streets. This Neo-Gothic structure was dedicated on May 7, 1916.
Though the racial and ethnic composition of South Park has changed over time, the church came to be regarded as the symbolic center of Port Huron’s black population.
There are more than 150 veterans buried here, including soldiers who served in WWI, WWII, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War.
The first annual race from Port Huron to Mackinac Island was held on July 25, 1925. 12 boats began the 261-mile race to Mackinac Island, but only six boats finished. After the first Port Huron to Mackinac Race in 1925, entries in the sailing competition increased.
In 1902 the city of Port Huron secured money from philanthropist Andrew Carnegie to erect a municipal library. Two years later, this grand, Beaux-Arts-style building was completed at a cost of $45,000.
In 1908, the third Port Huron High School building opened here, where two previous high schools had stood. Port Huron architect George Harvey designed this Second Renaissance Revival-style school, constructed of brick and limestone.
In 1897 the parish built a monumental Neo-Gothic church in Emmett and burned in 1966 and was replaced with the present structure, which typified the church architecture of the era when it was completed in 1970.
The North Channel Shooting Club was organized in 1869. Detroit sportsmen arrived at the club by ferryboat, interurban railroad, and private yachts.
Emily Ward established the Newport Academy about 1845 to provide educational opportunities for area children. This structure, erected in 1847, was one of the first school buildings in the community and has served many different purposes since then.
This congregation dates from 1849 when people worshipped in log barracks within Fort Gratiot.
Built-in 1884 at a cost of $12,300, this edifice has served continuously as the seat of local government. Marine City was incorporated as the village of Marine in 1865.
This Queen Anne-style structure was erected in 1899 by James Livingston. During the late nineteenth century Livingston and his son-in-law, James McColl produced linseed oil and twine in their flax mills in Michigan and Canada.
In the 1830s, numerous Catholic settlers immigrated to the Anchor Bay area. Not before long land was donated and a church was constructed and later reconstructed after a fire.
After 1940 the Huron was the only lightship on the Great Lakes. Retired from Coast Guard service in 1970, she was presented to the city of Port Huron in 1971.
Holy Cross Parish has remained in continuous use and service to the people for over 150 years, and with it is much history.
This house belonged to the family of Jacob Harsen. A gunsmith and fur trader who arrived here about 1778, Harsen was the first white settler on the island and he and his family once owned the island.
The Harrington Hotel opened amid much fanfare in 1896. A unique blend of Romanesque, Classical, and Queen Anne architecture, the hotel thrived for many years. Harry S. Truman, the future thirty-third president of the United States, stayed here on his honeymoon with his wife Bess.
The cemetery is reminiscent of Victorian-era perpetual care lawn cemeteries. A draped obelisk and a pedestaled larger-than-life-size maiden holding a bouquet of flowers exemplify monuments popular during this period. Renamed Woodlawn Cemetery in 1901.
Built near here in 1686 by the French explorer Duluth, this fort was the second white settlement in lower Michigan. This post guarded the upper end of the vital waterway joining Lake Erie and Lake Huron.
This lighthouse is the oldest in Michigan. Built in 1829 to replace a tower destroyed by a storm and later workers extended the tower to its present height of eighty-six feet. The light, automated in 1933, continues to guide shipping on Lake Huron